Decolonizing fitness by running Slow AF, with Martinus Evans


Martinus Evans is a marathon runner, author, run coach, and award-winning speaker who helps plus-size individuals be active without the pressure of weight loss. He is also the host of the 300 Pounds and Running Podcast and the Long Run with Martinus and Latoya Podcast on the 300 Pounds and Running Podcast Network available on all podcast platforms. Martinus is also the founder of the Slow AF Run Club™.

In this episode Martinus shares how he went from selling suits to creating a vibrant community of runners of all sizes and abilities. We talk about the importance of motivation, mission, and celebration in both fitness and business.

Top takeaways:

1️⃣ Sometimes you need to find an enemy to stoke your inner fire and propel you forward.

2️⃣ In both fitness and business, you're constantly fighting with your own mind.

3️⃣ When creating goals always go back to your values. Why do you want it in the first place?

4️⃣ Start where you're at. Celebrate every small win. Keep going.

🖤  Connect with Martinus at:


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